
The image in the header is not an image of Puff.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Back to the Vet again

Back to the vet again!This time Puff had blood work done. He had been eating but not Pooping so the Vet suggested the blood tests.As we waited for the results,Puff suffered the indignity of another enema.Poor Puff! After all that, he still hasn't pooped. But the Vet said that his blood work was very normal except for a slightly elevated potassium level.He thinks this is the reason that Puff's foot twitches on and off.He also thinks that the elevated potassium level is from too much melon.This visit to the vet was very expensive, but I at least I have peace of mind,knowing that he is healthy.He has been eating very well since he came home form the vet.I guess he will eventually poop as what goes in must eventually come out????I got some Bokchoy and am going to see if he will eat that.The pipette that I was using to give him water with disappeared. I think the cats got it.I will have to get another one. Puff is such a picky eater because he was not fed properly by his former owners.I really wish that people would do the research and find out what these animals need before they go out and get one. Bearded Dragons have very specific needs and if they are to live a healthy full life, people need to care for them properly! I try my best but it is very hard to get Puff to eat greens because he was never fed them to begin with.It doesn't help that he has a sweet tooth for things like melon and sweet potato either.I did get him to eat some carrot the other day.I am going to try the Bokchoy in the morning.Puff is already asleep so I will turn off his lights now. Good night Puff,I love you...Puff The Golden Dragon,to be continued.....................

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