
The image in the header is not an image of Puff.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Puff has a vet appointment for a check up

On June 29th, Puff will be going to the vet for his check up. I decided to get this done a little early now that I know his real age. I want to make sure he is doing well for his advanced age.He has been eating very well and I have discovered that he likes Gerber baby food organic carrots.By giving him this, he is getting more liquid than when I give him water as he does not always swallow the water. He eats the carrots because he likes them.He is eating a lot more greens now also. He is also eating more crickets because he does not have to catch them. I just stick them in the side of his mouth and he chews them up and swallows them. This makes eating a lot more easy for him.I don't think he is totally blind as he does look at me when I talk to him or sing to him, but he definitely has severe depth perception issues.There is no point in letting him get frustrated when he misses a cricket. I also let him soak in warm water after his meal.This way he can absorb water through his skin. He seems to be more active in the morning when I do this. He will still sleep most of the after noon and then wake up to be fed.He has also been sitting in his water fall almost every morning.I am still taking him for his sun walk every afternoon.I have to wake him for this but he really does enjoy it.Then he will go back to napping when I bring him back in the house.I really hope he is doing as well as he appears to be. I love this little dragon so much and would be hart broken if he is not as healthy as he appears to be. I don't want to think about this as a possibility, but I know he won't live for ever.I just hope he will live as long as some of the other Beardies have. I have heard that one has lived to the ripe old age of 16.I can only hope that he will make it to that age if I take really good care of him. Puff,I love you! Puff the Golden Dragon, to be continued.................

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A few words from Puff on the rally

Hi all you guys out in cybeland, My mom took me to a Reptile Rally this weekend. Of course it was at the time when I am usually napping so I slept through most of it.I did open my eyes every now and then to see the other dragons and the Big Monitor! I almost missed the python as I got sleepy and closed my eyes again. I really spent most of the afternoon just chillin' out on mom's shoulder.They took pictures of us.Of course mom had to brag about me and she just had to tell every one that she sings to me,but,I really do enjoy it when she sings to me.It was a fun day,and mom bought me some crickets and a few supplies that were needed.When I got home,I took another nap and woke up just in time to eat some of the new crickets. YUM! Mom gave me some collard greens and I ate some of it but I really prefer the bok choy. well, I've got to go now 'cause it's time to eat again. Puff the Golden Dragon,to be continued...............

The Reptile Rally

We went to the reptile rally at Petco this weekend.There were 4 bearded dragons including Puff. There was a nice young dragon named Zippy that was a very similar color to Puff. There was a very light yellow one that was very pretty,and a normal colored one that was quite nice.Then this guy showed up toward the end with a beautiful Monitor lizard. Zippy won the beauty contest,but Puff was second.There was also a young lady that had a very nice Ball Python.We all talked about our animals and Gabby, the lady in charge took pictures of all of them. I found out that Puff is a lot older that I thought. The guy with Monitor said he looked to be at least 10 years old! I guess the people who turned him into the rescue were not honest about his true age.I would have adopted any way as it was love at first sight, but there were things I would have done differently to keep him healthy,if I had known his true age. I will start doing things a little differently now that I know.I am going to schedule a vet visit for him, sooner than the 6 months I had planed for.I want to find out what I can do to keep him as healthy as possible at his age.I enjoyed the rally and will attend the next one that they have. Puff The Golden Dragon,to be continued.................