
The image in the header is not an image of Puff.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The last two posts are out of sequence

The last 2 posts are way out of sequence as I found them in the drafts.I went to publish them but I don't know how to put them where they belong,which is some where back in 2009. Sorry about that.........

Puff has a new " Dining Room "

I bought a large plastic container yesterday for Puff. This is his "Dining Room". I am teaching him to go after the crickets, instead of hand feeding him. Because of his bad eye, He often misses the cricket and it gets away and I have trouble catching it. I don't want uneaten crickets to bother Puff when he is sleeping.When the crickets get away in the "dining room" I can catch them with no trouble.I put Puff in to his "dining room"this afternoon and put a screen on top,with his basking light. At first, I only put 2 crickets in with him. I had to herd the crickets in front of his good eye so he could see them. Then he would grab it and snarf it down.He would not move around the container to get the crickets.He pretty much stayed under the light. I just kept herding the crickets in front of him and he did catch and eat 5 crickets.the Golden Dragon, to be continued................

A few words to anyone out there in cyberspace

These words are for anyone out there in cyberspace that might stumble upon this blog.You may after reading through this blog, think that I am some crazy old lady just babbling away at this poor lizard but you would be very wrong. My mind is quite intact and while I might be babbling to my pet Bearded Dragon,He does enjoy it, He may not understand all the words but he enjoys the tone of my voice.I have spent enough time with Puff to know that he is very expressive. As I wrote in an earlier post,he has a whole vocabulary of body language.People talk to there dogs and cats all the time.Most animals let there people know what they want by there body language.There are people who don't like cats or dogs for what ever reason. There are people who don't like reptiles either.I absolutely love my pet cats and dogs. I also have a very special bond with my guide dogs.I have had other reptiles,mostly snakes,and I liked them very much.But Puff is different.I love Puff just as much as any dog or cat I have.Any one that has ever had the pleasure of having a pet Bearded Dragon will know what I mean.the Golden Dragon,to be continued.............

The reptile rally

I went to the reptile rally on Saturday at Petco. There was a Mountain Horned Dragon there that was so beautiful and mellow.He just sat on the lady's shoulder the whole time we were there.Puff was mellow as always and went to sleep as I was holding him.Lilo was pretty mellow also,although she did move around at times.I held them both together and they were very good .The people who were running the rally were very impressed with Puff. They kept saying that he has this massive head.He was the largest Beardie there. Puff won first place in the cold blooded beauty contest.I think his age had a lot to do with it, although he did look quite beautiful. He had already finished shedding. Lilo was getting ready to shed on her beard, but I did get compliments on how beautiful her color was.There were not a lot of reptiles at this rally. There were more last year.I wish they would advertise these rallies better.I think they would get more people and reptile participants. Any way I am glad that Puff won the beauty contest as I have been telling him for years that he is the most Beautiful Dragon  in the world!I love my Dragons. Puff and Lilo,the Golden Dragons,to be continued.....................