
The image in the header is not an image of Puff.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New Dragon

I have been looking for another Dragon and put an add on Craig's List a while ago.On Sunday,a young girl called me and said she had a dragon that she had to re home as where her family was moving ,the home owners association  prohibits any kind of reptiles.I had spent a lot of money on Puff"s last vet visit as he had blood work done,so I did not really have money to buy a new Dragon and all the equipment that would be needed.I also had not really planed to get a new Dragon until Puff had passed on.All I could afford was $68.00.She agreed to sell the dragon and his tank for that amount. I felt bad for her as she was loosing her pet, but was glad to get a beautiful young Dragon,1 and 1/2 years and the tank for that amount.It was a very good deal.I made sure it was OK with her parents.His name is Oscar,and he has a lot of red and dark color on him. When he is faded out,he looks a lot like Puff. When his color comes in, his red is like Lilo's color. He even has the same white tips on his spikes that Lilo has. So....I now have 3 Dragons. I am thinking of changing his name as when I was a kid,we had a cat named Oscar, that was run over by a car. When I say the name Oscar,I think of that poor cat.Since my friend drove me to Phoenix to pick him up,I think I will call him Phoenix.He is being quarantined for now in a different room from Puff and Lilo.I will take him to Dr.J for a check up before he is moved into the same room as my other Dragons.I will get some pictures of him soon. Puff and Lilo and Oscar, aka Phoenix, The Golden Dragons, to be continued..................          

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