
The image in the header is not an image of Puff.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A few words from Puff

Hi guys, gals and fellow Dragons,Puff here.I guess it's time for me to say a few words.I still have the most wonderful home and a wonderful Mom! She is still singing to me and playing her flute for me. I love Flute music! My Mom has also been feeding me all sorts of good things.I really love cantaloupe and apples,Yumm. I still like peas and carrot tops.I hate stuff like Parsley and beet tops and mustard greens,Yuk!I love crickets and worms,Yumm. My mom feeds me very well.I love it when she talks to me.It is so soothing.She always tells me how beautiful and magnificent I am and she loves me. I am a very lucky Dragon to have a Mom like her.She gives me wonderful warm baths.She keeps my glass house very clean.I have plenty of dirt to dig in. I love to dig!We get to watch TV together. I can sit on her shoulder or nestle in under her chin and she keeps me warm.She pets me and that puts me to sleep,it feels so good!Some times the cats and dogs watch me but I am not afraid because my Mom keeps me safe.When I perch myself on Mom's shoulder,I look at the fish tank and watch the small colorful fish swimming around.I think they are called guppies.I love to watch them.My mom keeps life very interesting for me.Sometimes when she turns out the lights at night,she sings me to sleep.I hope all the other dragons have wonderful places to live and people who love them.I am a very lucky Dragon and I love my Mom! Yawn,yawn.Well it is very late now and I must go.Love and good night to all,out there in cyberland,from Puff the Golden Dragon.

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