
The image in the header is not an image of Puff.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Puff was awake very early on Sunday morning

Puff was awake at 8:00am on Sunday morning. I guess because he went to bed early,he woke up early.After feeding all the dogs and cats and me,I checked on Puff.He was basking on the Christmas log. When I told him he was a beautiful Dragon and that he was Magnificent,he held his head up and turned it as if to show that he already knew that what I was saying was very true.I think he has a bit of an ego! I stroked him and sang to him.I took him out of his tank and we watched TV together, Puff from his perch on my shoulder.I had him out with me for most of the afternoon.At 4:45pm,I put Puff back in his tank and got the dog food ready. I fed the dogs and cooked my dinner. I waited to feed Puff until 6:00pm as I fed him too early yesterday.He was very hungry.He ate lots of apple and 2 crickets and 2 worms. He grabbed the apple and almost took my fingers with it! I think Puff has a sweet tooth. He loves apples and cantaloupe melon.I will have to find some more sweet things for him to try.I left him basking on his log.I turned out the lights at 9:00pm and sang Puff to sleep.I thought he was asleep but he opened his eyes when I stopped singing,so I continued to sing to him.He was finally asleep.Good night my Magnificent Puff,I love you. Puff The Golden Bearded Dragon,to be continued..................

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