
The image in the header is not an image of Puff.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Puff likes Cantaloupe melon

Puff was awake at 9:15am this morning.I took care of the other animals and fed my self and then I checked on Puff. I sang to him and talked to him for a while. I did not have time to interact more than that today as I had to get ready for my doctor's appointment.After my appointment,I went to Walmart and got a water container to build Puff's waterfall.I also paid some bills while I was out. I returned at 5:00pm. I fed the dogs and then I fed Puff. I discovered that he likes Cantaloupe melon.I gave him some melon yesterday and he ate quite a bit of it as well as the carrot tops tonight.He also ate 3 crickets and 3 worms.I am so glad I have found other things that he likes to eat.This is a much healthier diet for him.When I turned out the lights for the night, Puff was already asleep perched on top of the Christmas log.Good night Puff,I love you. Puff The Golden Bearded Dragon,to be continued................

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