
The image in the header is not an image of Puff.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A few words from Puff

Well, finally I get to say something! I am Puff, The Golden Dragon. My mom,Mardi takes real good care of me. She tells me she loves me all the time. She also sings to me. Some times it's a little off key, but I don't mind. No one else has ever sang to me before. She also plays her Native American flute for me. The music is so soft and peaceful, I just close my eyes and enjoy it.My mom adopted me from D and D Reptile Rescue.My former owners did not really know how to care for me. They did not feed me properly and their cat attacked me. I was injured and scared! They left me at the rescue. The guys at D and D, took excellent care of me. They healed my wounds and got me over being scared.They had a lot of other needy reptiles, so they could not keep me. They put me up for adoption and my mom saw my picture on their website and fell in love with me. She came to see me one day and I also fell in love with her. She held me and stroked my head and back and it felt so good, I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep. I stayed with D and D until she was able to get everything needed to care for me. The day finally arrived and she came and took me home with her. My forever home!My mom can't see too well but well enough to be able to care for me and all the other animals she has rescued.She took me to the vet to get a check up. She wanted to make sure I was in good health."new mother syndrome" you know.She thought I was healthy, but wanted to make sure because she loves me.The vet said I was in excellent health. My mom is very in tune with me and seems to know just what I want and need. She feeds me lots of crickets and worms and she has tried to find other foods that I like.I don't really like cilantro, but some times I will eat a little bit just for her.She feeds me Peas! I love Peas! She is still experimenting with other foods but next to crickets and worms, peas are a favorite. Once I refused to eat for 3 days in a row. I wanted crickets! I was tired of eating worms. She got the message and went to the store and got me some crickets! I think I have her pretty well trained. She tells me that I am a Magnificent Dragon! she tells me, I am the most Beautiful Dragon in the whole world. I guess I am pretty "snazzy" with my orange flame color. She calls me her Golden Dragon. I love my mom. She knows when I want to be handled and when I don't feel like being handled, she leaves me alone.She strokes me and it puts me to sleep, it feels so good.I like to sit on her shoulder.I also like to watch TV.Sometimes I watch from my perch on her shoulder, or I can climb up on the top of the hide in my glass house and watch through the glass. When I get bored with that I climb up on my log and bask. I love to bask! There are 2 hides in my glass house. One on either side so ,I can pick which one I want to sleep in. Some times I prefer to sleep on my log.My mom keeps my house very clean for me. I think I am the luckiest Dragon in the whole world. Hmmm, I wonder what my mom will get me for Christmas? I know she has gotten some dog and cat toys and she even got toys for the rats. I know she will get me something special. I am a very happy Dragon. Well, I think I will go to sleep now as I am very tired.Yawn, so long for now.Puff signing out.......................

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