
The image in the header is not an image of Puff.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I spent more time with Puff today

Puff was awake at 8:00am. After I took care of the dogs,cats and my self,I took Puff out of his tank. I sang to him and stroked his head and back.I try to remember not to stroke his tail as he twitches it.I think it must tickle.I watched TV for a while as I had nothing else to do.Puff watched TV perched on my shoulder.After I set the VCR to tape my Soap,I shut of the TV.I spent more time just stroking Puff and talking to him. He really seems to enjoy this.I think it is the tone of my voice.He looks at me and cocks his head and listens to my every word. He loves it when I sing to him. He will close his eyes and when I stop singing,he opens his eyes as if to say,"don't stop".So I continue to sing to him.I wonder if other people sing to their Dragons? Probably not. They would probably think I was some cray old lady,just babbling on to a lizard.Well,I can honestly say,if they spent as much time with their Dragons as I do with mine,they would find that the Dragons really do enjoy it.I really do think it is the tone of voice and not the words, that they enjoy hearing.I put Puff back in his tank and played my flute for him.He climbed up on his log and basked while listening to the music.I had to go into the kitchen to take something out of the freezer for dinner.when I checked on Puff again, he was sitting on top of the hide with his front feet on the water dish.He was looking out the window.Probably watching the dogs.I had several phone calls and then got Puff's dining room set up and fed him. He ate 2 crickets,3 worms and no peas.I have to go get more crickets tomorrow.Only 2 left. I turned the lights out at 8:00pm and sang Puff to sleep. Good night Puff,sweet dreams...I love you Puff...Puff The Golden Bearded Dragon,to be continued....................

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